Natural Veneers @Dental Town
Hi everyone,
It has been such a while since I wrote my last blog post. I started my journey to correct my teeth last year and I promised you all I would share the results. I’m so happy and pleased with Dental Town! I’m literally beaming ear to ear. All I want to do is SMILE so much more.
Let me start of with a little background history. We all have a story or why we choose what to do is right for us right? Growing up, I never had braces as a child. My teeth came in pretty straight but, I had a horrible bite that was never corrected. I played softball for some time as a kid. I did take a blow to the face with a softball many years back and had no clue it would come back to haunt me. During my 18 years to early adulthood I would grind my teeth when I would sleep but never even noticed I was doing it. Fast forward to my 20s when I was pregnant with both of my children I would literally wake up with little pieces of teeth in my mouth. Not exactly sure if the babies were taking up all of my calcium. I do know is the dentist told me I have grind my teeth for many years.
Due to my history, and having a grinding issue now many years have passed. I was told that I grinded my one tooth so bad it looks like the nerve was dying and also the tooth could be slowly dying due to being hit with a softball as a kid. I had no idea this could even happen.
I received and got dental advice and was told to put bonding on my teeth. So I tried bonding for many years. It’s simply just did not work! I feel like I was in the dentist every other week because it would keep chipping or breaking. Finally my dentist recommended veneers. I will say I was not completely impressed at first. I literally sat on the idea for about six years straight. I was very hesitant for two reason. I love a natural look and the price of course.
After a routine check up for my kids one of the dental hygienist had veneers. The dental hygienist teeth looked absolutely amazing! She recommended me to see Dr. Shwendimen at Dental Town. If you are not familiar with dental town they have a kids dental office and an adults dentistry. My husband and I go to the adult dentistry however, I’ve never saw the cosmetic dentist. I quickly made an appointment. It’s funny how things sometimes align at the right time. Best decision ever!
If you ever meet Dr. Shwendimen he is one of the most down to earth kind of guys. He was super laid-back and completely on board with a very all natural approach. He told me once again, I would benefit from veneers just like another doctor told me six years prior. He said I would be a great candidate and he would not have to shave my natural tooth at all. What! Not shave my natural teeth! Yes he completely sold me on that. Not to mention he don’t use just any lab. Dr. Shwendimen uses an AMAZING lab to hand create the most natural veneer even down to match your natural tooth’s enamel. To be honest, his approach totally won me over as well as seeing the work he has done on other patients. One caveat which seems to be quite the theme now in 2022 is Invisalign. For me to achieve the most optimal beautiful natural look I needed to have Invisalign first to correct my bite. I had to fix my bite so I would stop chipping my teeth or wearing them down. I went home thought about it all talked with my hubby and so the journey was on!
I was fitted for Invisalign and completed six months of Invisalign. Wow how awesome! It really moves your teeth in very little time. Shortly after my husband got on board and did Invisalign to correct his crooked front teeth. We did it together which was absolutely amazing it worked out extremely well. I only had to do Invisalign for six months and it did an amazing job of correcting my bite. My husband is still wearing his as he had to wear much longer than I however, he is doing fairly well in his teeth are really looking amazing.
After completing Invisalign, it was now time to choose and create my veneers. Dr. Schwendiman chose a natural not to two white or excessively white a natural tooth. The shade was called natural white. Dr. Swinderman recommended so I went with that. He was opposed of doing a bright white or extremely white as it would not create a natural effect. The veneers he uses have transparency aspect so the natural tooth shade can come through.
We first did a simple bite wing kind of molding to my teeth and sent that off to the lab. I then waited a few weeks and the veneers were ready. When I scheduled my appointment it was fairly easy. He placed the veneers to shape them. The process was so extremely easy no pain my mouth did not feel any different than it did when I walked in the door. I was extremely pleased. If I want to remove I can certainly do that years down the road and my natural tooth will still be intact.
Today, I am about 3 months out I am so pleased with the results! Honestly, they look super natural exactly what Dr. Swinderman said they would look. The care is extremely easy you would take care of them exactly how you took care of your natural tooth you were born with. One tip they say not to use baking soda toothpaste stay away from baking soda. I highly recommend! If you are an on the fence of getting veneers just buckle down and do it. I actually wish I would’ve done it much sooner. When I smile it is a true happy smile and I am not ashamed to smile with my chipped teeth anymore. . .
OK without further ado I am so super excited to show you the before and after. I hope you love them as much as I do. like always if you have any questions I am an open book leave me a comment or DM me on Instagram I will be sure to follow to respond.