Be Green Be Well!

Welcome to this blog post. I wanted to share the health benefits of having fresh flowers and plants in the home. I always have a passion for beautiful flowers and plants what girl does not. My hubby will surprise me and come home with flowers every now and then just because it is his way of showing some love towards me or just being gentlemen like the good ol’ dating dayz. Oh how I miss those fun times. Anyway let me tell you why you should have flowers in the home.
Here’s the nitty gritty: A Rutgers University study found that the link between flowers and your satisfaction with life is far more important than previously thought. Having flowers in your home increased happiness, reduces depression and anxiety and actually can increase emotional contact with friends and family. A separate study by Harvard University found the same results – increased compassion, feeling less negative, and more energy at work. In a trifecta of flower research, Texas A & M University found that flowers and plants in the workplace improve problem solving skills and increase creativity. The research is so conclusive that the Society of American Florists has dedicated a page linking to all of the positive research of bringing flowers into your home, as well as sharing real-life tips and tricks from lifestyle experts on how to Live Like A Flower and foster a happier life.
Flowers have been called Vitamin F, for all the good that they can do for your body and soul.