
New Year! New Goals with Start Planner

Hi there,

It’s that time of year again! The new year! I love to ring in the new year with a nice glass of champagne and a toast shared with love ones and close friends. And after the night is over January 1 comes around which means oh I need to work out more! Oh I need to lose weight! I need to finish decorating the guest bedroom and so much more. My mom-life can be so consuming as I work full-time.  Each year I like to make some goals for myself. Let me tell you it is very hard to stick to the plan at times. This year I plan to make goals for whats important to me and my family. That’s why this year I am ringing in the new year with my new Start Planner 2017 I have just received  the “hustle daily planner.”



This planner is absolutely adorable and fits right in my purse or should I say mom bag it has everything in it from make up, diapers, colic drops and more. If you are mom I’m sure you can relate.

This year’s goals I plan on crushing them and make sure each one of them happens. One of my goals is…

mjm_16641. Staying organized!

I feel if I have everything in sync from, groceries, coupons, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations it will reduce lots of unneeded last minute stress in my life. So I am so excited to start filling out my new planner.

Guess what! I’m GIVING AWAY a start planner to one of my lucky followers! Last year’s goal was to get my blog up and running and it has now been running for one year! I am so happy and grateful for all of my followers. It has been a great year and now I’m ready to take my blog to the next level and help one of you reach your NEW YEAR GOALS!

To Enter to win a start planner of your very ENTER HERE!!

Just for entering you will receive a free party download.


I’m wishing you all a Happy New Year 2017! May you all crush your 2017 goals.


Candace AKA Can1love 🙂