Fight Cold Season the healthy way w/ Genexa

Hi all,
It’s that time of year again! Yes! I’m talking about the awful flu and cold season. October just passed and my whole family came down with a cold. I am sure you can relate! Right! It starts with one person and spreads like wildfire until everyone in the family has had it. Honestly, I even think my dog was sick just kidding. No but for real we go through so many tissues and lysol it’s just crazy at our house when everyone is sick. I feel like I turn into supermom when it comes to my kids being sick. I on the other hand absolutely despise getting sick so when it comes to my kids being sick it breaks my heart. Plus as the mom I have to hold it together for the family so I can not afford to get sick. Actually right now writing this post I feel a stuffy nose coming on. Ahhhh …. not happy! Anyway around this time of year, I always find myself running into a natural food store and looking for any and every medicine for my kids. Trust me I am that mom that lives the natural and organic lifestyle. So when it comes to choosing medicine I am a huge fan of homeopathic products. Since we can check off October for having a house full of sickies I had the pleasure of trying Genexa Cold Crush a healthier medicine for adults and children.
You heard me right! Finally something I can give my family and have a sense of ease knowing it is made with pure ingredients to help fight the nasties of a cold. I just don’t get life sometimes we as a family try to be extremely healthy. We juice and pack ourselves with superfoods but hey that don’t always work.
Getting sick is pretty much inevitable I have learned. It will happen! but when it does the goal for me is how to treat the symptoms safely. So please keep in mind as most of you guys already know. I love to research any product before using so here is what I learned about Genexa.
“What makes Genexa medicine healthier?
- Like I stated before, Genexa medicines are free of genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, growth hormones, and synthetic drugs.
- They are the first and only USDA Certified Organic and Non-GMO Project verified medicine ever!
- An ingredient audit trail from farm to tablet (love that).
- From harvest to bottling, Genexa ensures integrity in every step of their process.
- Their ingredients are never grown with pesticides that are harmful to our health and to the environment.
To see what’s in their medicines here is the link: Genexa ingredients. Trust me the ingredients are great and of homeopathic nature.”
When choosing products I love to look at the story or foundation of a company. I don’t know why but it helps me see what the company values and believes in. It also gives me a sense of trust. I want to trust the product that I put into my body. Here is the pledge by Genexa health
Our medicines are free of genetically modified organisms and synthetic drugs.
We run our organization in the most environmentally friendly manner possible.
We seek to advance organic mission, treating body and soul with the healing intelligence of time-tested, organic remedies.
We pride ourselves on incredible service and support to our customers and community.
We always strive do the right thing as a company, even when it is difficult.
Genexa Cold Crush comes in chewable tablets for kids. They have chewable I adult formula as well. My daughter was a big fan and her cough stopped after taking her second dose so I was one happy Mama.
My husband who brought the sickness home used the medicine and he was very pleased. Genexa Cold Crush helped subside his terrible symptoms. Plus he was able to get back to work faster then being down for days.
I personally am so happy to have found the 1st organic medicine on the market which for me is a big win. You all know as moms we want what is safe and best for our family. I can say I for sure feel safe giving my family Genexa Cold Crush. While writing this post I have learned they have many of other products that suit my families needs. So when I try I will probably be writing another blog post on those so stay tunned.
Remeber guys! If you find yourself fighting a cold this season be sure to try Genexa Cold Crush! Trust me you will be happy you did. You can find Genexa Cold Crush at your local stores such as GNC, Fresh thyme farmers market and more just visit this link to see where it is available near you! Find a retailer
If you are in the Atlanta are like me stop by a GNC they will have it
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Thanks for reading along today! Wishing you all a happy and well winter season. Stay healthy and live healthy. Till next time Friends!
*Disclaimer: this was a sponsored post and product was gifted by Genexa however all my content is my honest opinion. Thank you Genexa I am a customer for life!
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