Guest Post @With love
August 23, 2017

Today I’m doing something a little different and featuring one of my fellow blogger friends. One of the amazing things about blogging is meeting new friends and moms that share the same passion as you do. Tonight is all about my dear friend Claudia! You will fall in love with her and her little one just like I did.
Here is a little about Claudia…
I met my husband, when I was 16 years old in church and every since then we have been inseparable. We dated with chaperons (16 and 21) but we made it through and 2 years later we got engaged and married and had the most beautiful wedding I could ever wish for. We bought our home a few years later and in 2015 we welcomed our Bella and our life has never been the same.
I blog about our life, as a family of 3, marriage, life as a new mom, the joys of motherhood and everything in between.
Head over to her blog to see some tips on makeup, sales, recipes and more! Blog click here